If you’re planning to do some fishing at the North Fork Yuba River, things are looking pretty good. From the upper areas down to Downieville, you’ll find some decent action. The water temperatures have dropped a bit due to the colder nights we’ve been having.
The silver lining is that you won’t have to deal with too many other anglers – it’s pretty quiet out there, especially in the middle of the week. As the water levels have receded for the season, the trout are gathering in the larger plunge pools and runs. To catch the bigger ones, keep an eye out for those deeper pockets. Happy fishing, and enjoy the solitude!

A basic Dry/Dropper rig will work fine, a big bushy rubber legged stimulator or the equivalent, with a red copper John underneath. Purple is another great color. Don’t forget about hoppers and ants in the afternoon when warmer air temperatures make them more active. Mayfly spinner fall has been on one day, and sparse the next. A few big Pale Evening spinners in the mid morning, and a resurgence of caddis during the day. It’s not necessary to be on the water early with these cooler temps, starting at 10am is fine.
If you don’t mind hauling two rods, bring a shorter and lighter dry fly rod for the dry dropper and a longer and lighter rod for tight line nymphing.