Yeah, it's hot.
The Dog Days of Summer have arrived. The river is fishing great, but you need to know where to go. The upper reaches of the river are the place to be. Specifically, fish from Sierra City to Bassets Station. You find cooler water, hungry fish, and solitude. Bring your light gear- 2, 3, or 4 wt rods. Short leaders are fine here. You be pleased to find these fish are more than happy to take dry flys. A dry/dropper will be more productive but if you want to keep it simple, just bring your favorite dry flys. keep em floating. Be ready to cover some ground. If you don’t get an eat in the first 10 casts, move on. You’ll see some mayflys on the water in the evening and some Golden Stones during the day. A sunken ant is money. Stay hydrated and have fun.